From Camdenton, Missouri, USA
aka Camdenton R-III Afterschool Services/Electrovert/Boeing/Nihon Superior/Gerbes/Kroger/Community Foundation of the Lake/Scott's Concrete/Lake Regional Health Systems/Maddon Metals/AJ Manufacturing Company&Camdenton High School
Rookie Year: 2010
Last competed in 2020
Data provided by the FIRST Events API

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Robot Name: Rackem Stackem

Event Results

Overall, Team 3284 had an average qual score of 79.68 and an average playoff score of 91.40 in 2015.

Arkansas Rock City Regional

to Week 2

Team 3284 had an average qual score of 68.30 and an average playoff score of 78.00

St. Louis Regional

to Week 4

Team 3284 had an average qual score of 89.17 and an average playoff score of 104.80

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1986 1094 3284 3868 5147 3330 102 2
2838 4330 4331 5479 1329 3284 83 91
4329 4256 3284 4356 5758 4231 124 46
4500 1444 4154 3284 4356 5583 46 18
1208 5060 1178 3284 2408 4500 70 96
4154 3284 4232 5479 931 4404 47 38
1658 2978 4154 4246 3284 1444 90 37
1329 5326 3885 5147 931 3284 77 116
1706 4600 3284 5147 1985 1094 120 68
5583 4600 5492 5326 3284 3330 30 86
4329 1288 5758 3284 4196 5176 96 120
5492 3284 4330 4256 1986 2783 113 204
4329 3284 5326 2838 5479 1329 121 62
4329 3284 5326 4931 1094 4330 97 43
1208 2783 4154 4329 3284 5326 119 133
1658 1986 4356 4329 3284 5326 109 75
4329 3284 5326 4500 4256 5176 98 106

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Robot Name: Rackem Stackem

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