From Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
aka HWCDSB/John Deere Canada/Heritage Green Trust/Arcellor Mittal Dofasco/Jantz Canada&Bishop Ryan Catholic Secondary School
Rookie Year: 2015
Last competed in 2020
Data provided by the FIRST Events API

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Event Results

Team 5406 was 63-17-0 in official play in 2019.

ONT District Ryerson University Event

in Toronto, ON, Canada
to Week 3

Team 5406 was Rank 1 with a record of 17-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1285 6162 5406 5036 1334 5076 77 32
4252 4939 5024 7456 5406 919 32 59
7476 7690 7136 7710 5406 5076 46 72
5719 7136 5406 6878 919 7520 75 20
5719 7520 7456 5406 5911 5036 44 73
7520 7710 5036 5406 5039 1246 59 49
6162 188 5406 7690 1246 7456 66 47
7710 4252 919 5406 5076 7520 29 62
1334 5406 7690 919 2706 5031 71 49
6162 919 5911 5406 4308 6867 0 88
6397 5406 4252 5031 7476 5039 60 49
7476 5406 6867 7456 1285 6342 75 49
188 5406 7520 4252 5039 5076 65 46
188 5406 7520 4252 5039 5076 72 54
188 5406 7520 7476 5036 4308 99 90
188 5406 7520 7476 5036 4308 78 66
188 5406 7520 5719 6878 6866 78 55
188 5406 7520 5719 6878 6866 105 53

ONT District McMaster University Event

in Hamilton, ON, Canada
to Week 6

Team 5406 was Rank 2 with a record of 15-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6330 2200 4907 6537 4777 5406 63 64
4618 7022 5406 6878 5076 6140 72 48
7509 5032 2386 5406 1325 6878 76 82
5406 1241 2386 7456 6009 3543 92 44
7623 7456 4902 6140 5406 6865 48 64
6070 6009 5406 3161 4618 6342 79 41
5032 6330 5406 6854 4618 5076 56 53
6865 6513 6878 5406 3543 5921 42 73
7022 7623 4777 4992 5406 6978 70 59
5921 7564 3161 7623 5406 6323 45 75
6513 5406 6854 6070 1325 1075 76 75
5921 6537 6140 5406 4907 1075 42 75
1325 5406 6342 4618 7623 5076 110 47
1325 5406 6342 4618 7623 5076 87 49
1325 5406 6342 2200 2386 7509 84 81
1325 5406 6342 2200 2386 7509 95 76
1241 2056 6070 1325 5406 6342 103 85
1241 2056 6070 1325 5406 6342 98 81

FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship - Technology Division

in Mississauga, ON, Canada
to Week 7

Team 5406 was Rank 4 with a record of 13-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Finalist
  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4814 6336 5409 5406 6878 6070 45 75
6140 5406 4992 2200 7757 4069 83 75
4039 5885 5406 2852 4992 1360 85 72
5409 4069 5406 6867 2386 2852 64 73
5885 7480 4903 6141 2634 5406 56 88
6336 5406 2852 7476 4914 2702 74 48
4920 2200 5406 4618 4907 610 91 69
5719 7476 6878 5406 3683 4903 55 93
1285 7800 2706 5406 2056 4343 79 96
3683 4039 4069 4814 5406 4618 101 54
4917 5406 2702 4343 6987 4814 98 58
6070 2056 746 5406 1285 5719 88 80
5406 2200 4814 5885 4688 4903 95 78
5406 2200 4814 5885 4688 4903 77 77
5406 2200 4814 5885 4688 4903 105 78
5406 2200 4814 4678 2702 7757 93 82
5406 2200 4814 4678 2702 7757 100 75
3683 2056 4907 5406 2200 4814 100 87
3683 2056 4907 5406 2200 4814 100 51

No matches played.

Archimedes Division

in Detroit, MI, USA

Team 5406 was Rank 6 with a record of 13-4-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5406 1403 1325 2054 1720 4678 127 94
1937 5406 5676 271 3015 2481 77 82
614 910 509 5460 2539 5406 93 114
4976 1660 5406 6032 4311 2539 77 83
5406 3184 3996 222 4707 2526 87 44
6802 4707 5406 188 2826 384 71 88
2077 2231 5216 5860 5406 4004 61 88
1188 5406 2852 7589 5404 1025 68 63
7605 6317 4150 5406 4325 3688 62 73
5927 1310 7858 4391 930 5406 77 103
5687 5676 2539 930 1310 5406 101 130
5687 384 2539 930 1310 5406 88 105
3015 271 1640 930 1310 5406 77 105
3015 271 1640 930 1310 5406 85 104
930 1310 5406 222 614 4776 90 99
930 1310 5406 222 614 4776 90 87
930 1310 5406 222 614 4776 104 88

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