From Lubbock, Texas, USA
aka CMS Properties / Texas Tech University / Bezos Family Foundation / Texas Workforce Commission / Altice / Dell & Lubbock-Cooper High School & Talkington Sch Young Women & Premier Hs-Lubbock & All Saints Episcopal School & Lubbock Senior High School & Coronado High School
Rookie Year: 2006
Last competed in 2020
Data provided by the FIRST Events API

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Event Results

Team 1817 was 43-24-0 in official play in 2019.

FIT District Amarillo Event

in Amarillo, TX, USA
to Week 2

Team 1817 was Rank 13 with a record of 11-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7271 4301 148 5888 1817 4153 63 41
6133 4799 1817 6315 1296 4694 18 26
148 7649 1817 5888 4734 4694 50 40
5783 5613 3366 5212 3310 1817 40 48
6133 3037 2657 5888 1817 6974 8 43
7534 5417 2613 1817 5783 5866 33 46
4301 2657 1817 7649 5417 4641 82 37
7271 6974 3366 1817 5613 7649 47 44
4734 1817 3037 7534 4717 6133 31 42
1817 3366 1296 7573 4641 5783 39 32
4153 6974 6315 2613 1817 7534 56 40
1817 7540 7271 4153 4641 4734 45 30
5866 6315 5783 1817 7271 2613 49 55
5866 6315 5783 1817 7271 2613 0 71
3366 7540 4799 1817 7271 2613 39 61
3366 7540 4799 1817 7271 2613 40 54
3310 148 2657 1817 7271 2613 94 46
3310 148 2657 1817 7271 2613 61 57

FIT District Del Rio Event

in Del Rio, TX, USA
to Week 4

Team 1817 was Rank 4 with a record of 15-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7492 1477 1817 7750 6315 7264 59 32
6800 457 7138 6377 4332 1817 42 45
1817 3997 5572 3545 4639 4332 54 26
7063 4378 6180 7088 1817 4694 38 57
1817 5960 3035 5894 5726 4694 44 18
3481 1164 5572 1817 4734 3240 33 50
3240 7492 6830 4639 1817 7521 31 57
3545 5894 1817 6682 1477 457 52 56
6180 1817 6800 4063 5894 4412 43 38
7521 6800 1477 1817 7750 4063 78 51
5892 4412 1817 3345 653 4219 65 45
5986 3035 3481 4378 1817 457 44 59
6800 1817 6315 5572 7492 5427 75 55
6800 1817 6315 5572 7492 5427 53 37
5892 1477 5894 6800 1817 6315 46 64
5892 1477 5894 6800 1817 6315 43 81
6800 1817 6315 7521 6377 7088 74 62
6800 1817 6315 7521 6377 7088 68 70
6800 1817 6315 7521 6377 7088 69 79

FIRST In Texas District Championship

in Austin, TX, USA
to Week 6

Team 1817 was Rank 4 with a record of 13-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Finalist
  • Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1255 1817 4063 7492 5261 6377 62 60
3035 2881 2613 6672 1817 3310 64 85
3240 148 4192 231 1817 5892 68 91
2468 2657 7271 4610 3676 1817 58 72
1817 1477 7179 5411 4153 3481 88 86
1817 1296 6321 5431 4378 4063 76 66
4295 624 1817 1477 418 118 56 66
5417 5242 6974 7521 7121 1817 55 83
4610 7088 2714 1817 2158 5414 59 67
6144 1817 7708 3005 4587 6901 54 75
1817 7621 7492 5052 3847 6800 56 65
7872 7312 7494 5866 5411 1817 39 58
3847 1817 2714 5431 5414 231 91 82
3847 1817 2714 5431 5414 231 89 80
2468 118 4063 3847 1817 2714 72 44
2468 118 4063 3847 1817 2714 73 88
2468 118 4063 3847 1817 2714 71 89
3310 148 3035 3847 1817 2714 92 71
3310 148 3035 3847 1817 2714 93 58

No matches played.

Newton Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 1817 was Rank 20 with a record of 4-7-0

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