ISR District Event #2 2020

FIRST Israel District Event
to Week 1
Romema Arena in חיפה, מחוז חיפה, Israel - details on
Data provided by the FIRST Events API

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1690 4744 6168 5635 4661 2679 100 92
5654 8340 6049 5987 3075 4338 16 110
3835 7039 6736 2630 3339 5614 77 128
4320 6104 3316 2231 3388 1657 38 150
8175 7067 3065 4319 5951 1954 118 75
7177 3075 3316 4416 1690 7039 108 188
5951 6049 7067 8175 6736 3388 87 74
5654 2679 3065 6104 6168 4416 50 37
4744 1657 4661 2231 8340 3339 64 66
4319 5635 5987 1954 4338 3835 140 36
5654 5614 7177 5951 2630 4320 96 45
2231 6104 1954 1690 8175 2679 91 152
4338 4744 4416 7067 6168 3835 71 116
2630 3388 7177 3075 3339 4319 126 69
5635 6736 4320 3316 8340 4661 87 41
5987 5614 7039 3065 6049 1657 123 55
2231 1690 4661 7067 5654 6736 136 117
3339 6104 1657 2679 4416 4319 195 10
8340 1954 5987 7177 5635 5951 58 96
5614 3835 3075 8175 3316 7039 97 91
3065 4320 4338 4744 6049 3388 50 69
6168 7039 1954 3075 2630 7067 90 161
5951 2231 4416 5987 1690 7177 78 107
3388 3835 3065 4744 2630 5635 77 89
4338 5654 6104 6736 1657 5614 93 59
3339 3316 2679 8340 4320 8175 49 61
6049 4319 7177 4661 5654 6168 55 89
3075 6104 6736 3835 4320 4744 144 86
3316 1954 2630 4338 2231 6049 85 87
5614 8175 5635 4661 4416 5987 195 128
1690 3065 4319 8340 7039 2679 173 70
1657 5951 6168 3388 7067 3339 57 142
4338 2679 5614 3065 7177 2231 62 116
4320 6168 3339 1690 6104 5635 56 154
4661 3388 3075 1657 5987 3835 96 86
4744 8175 5951 7039 2630 5654 65 97
4416 1954 7067 4319 6736 8340 87 67
4320 6049 5987 3316 5951 3835 23 35
1657 7177 7039 1954 4661 6104 118 72
3339 4338 1690 5654 5635 3075 251 78
2679 4744 7067 6049 3316 5614 84 81
6736 2231 2630 4416 8340 3388 107 58
8175 4319 5654 6168 3065 3316 55 82
3388 2679 5951 7039 4661 4338 98 145
2630 3835 4416 1690 4320 1657 33 143
5987 4744 2231 6168 5614 4319 132 99
5635 7067 8340 7177 8175 6104 88 122
6736 3339 6049 1954 3065 3075 218 85
7039 5635 3388 3835 5654 2231 73 37
7067 4661 4320 3065 5987 3339 120 142
3075 5951 1690 6104 4319 4744 199 36
1657 4338 8340 6049 6168 8175 88 119
6736 4416 3316 7177 2679 1954 62 54
2630 4319 4661 5614 7067 1690 100 123
3339 3835 8175 4320 4416 5654 93 50
6104 5987 2630 2679 3075 2231 170 123
8340 7177 6168 7039 3065 4744 120 180
3316 1657 5635 5951 4338 6736 93 120
6049 1954 1690 3388 5614 6104 163 110


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1690 3339 6049 (5654)
Alliance 2 7067 3075 3316
Alliance 3 5987 2630 6168
Alliance 4 5635 2231 1657
Alliance 5 7039 5614 6104
Alliance 6 8175 3388 4338
Alliance 7 7177 5951 4661
Alliance 8 3065 6736 4744

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3339 1690 6049 6736 3065 4744 224 96
3339 1690 6049 6736 3065 4744 169 104
2231 5635 1657 5614 7039 6104 136 174
2231 5635 1657 5614 7039 6104 126 151
3075 7067 3316 5951 7177 4661 111 145
3075 7067 3316 5951 7177 4661 121 135
2630 5987 6168 3388 8175 4338 96 161
2630 5987 6168 3388 8175 4338 119 123
3339 1690 6049 5614 7039 6104 221 93
3339 1690 6049 5614 7039 6104 314 179
5951 7177 4661 3388 8175 4338 109 157
5951 7177 4661 3388 8175 4338 109 124
3339 1690 5654 3388 8175 4338 225 168
3339 1690 5654 3388 8175 4338 212 124

Playoff Bracket



Rank Team Ranking Score Auto End Game Teleop Cell + CPanel Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 1690 2.27 466 540 569 11-0-0 0 11 25
2 3339 1.90 432 425 303 8-3-0 0 11 21
3 7067 1.81 375 480 262 8-3-0 0 11 20
4 5987 1.54 414 375 310 7-4-0 0 11 17
5 5635 1.54 328 430 187 7-4-0 0 11 17
6 7039 1.45 372 380 302 7-4-0 0 11 16
7 8175 1.45 368 365 247 7-4-0 0 11 16
8 7177 1.36 375 385 250 7-4-0 0 11 15
9 3065 1.36 372 290 331 7-4-0 0 11 15
10 2630 1.36 370 270 243 7-4-0 0 11 15
11 2231 1.36 339 375 328 7-4-0 0 11 15
12 6736 1.36 282 465 187 6-5-0 0 11 15
13 6104 1.27 401 380 267 6-5-0 0 11 14
14 4338 1.27 395 425 236 6-5-0 0 11 14
15 5614 1.27 353 405 235 6-5-0 0 11 14
16 3388 1.27 345 365 183 6-5-0 0 11 14
17 3075 1.18 465 335 257 6-5-0 0 11 13
18 6049 1.18 298 345 177 6-5-0 0 11 13
19 4744 1.09 341 255 248 6-5-0 0 11 12
20 4661 1.09 320 445 216 4-7-0 0 11 12
21 6168 1.00 365 345 171 5-6-0 0 11 11
22 1657 1.00 323 395 216 4-7-0 0 11 11
23 5654 1.00 310 265 131 5-6-0 0 11 11
24 5951 0.90 314 305 210 5-6-0 0 11 10
25 3835 0.72 290 250 137 4-7-0 0 11 8
26 4416 0.72 214 330 162 3-8-0 0 11 8
27 2679 0.63 301 290 130 3-8-0 0 11 7
28 3316 0.63 291 300 93 3-8-0 0 11 7
29 4320 0.63 269 165 166 3-8-0 0 11 7
30 4319 0.54 269 345 148 2-8-0 1 11 6
31 8340 0.45 233 230 143 2-8-0 1 11 5
32 1954 0.36 319 255 241 2-9-0 0 11 4

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Kibutz E'in Shemer, HaZafon, Israel
Binyamina, HaZafon, Israel
Beer Sheva, HaDarom, Israel
Shoham, HaMerkaz, Israel
Emek hefer, HaMerkaz, Israel
Jerusalem, Yerushalayim, Israel
Jatt, HaMerkaz, Israel
Hod-Ha'Sharon, HaMerkaz, Israel
Tel Aviv, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Kfar Yona, HaMerkaz, Israel
Gan Yavne, HaMerkaz, Israel
Tel Aviv, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Beer Sheva, HaDarom, Israel
Petach Tikvah, HaMerkaz, Israel
Even-Yehuda, HaMerkaz, Israel
Ramat Hasharon, Tel-Aviv, Israel
bet-hasmonai, HaMerkaz, Israel
Hadera, Haifa, Israel
Holon, Tel-Aviv, Israel
nes ziona, HaMerkaz, Israel
Arad, HaDarom, Israel
Tel Aviv, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Dimona, HaDarom, Israel
Ofakim, HaDarom, Israel
iksal, HaZafon, Israel
AKKO, HaZafon, Israel
Kfar hanoar Neurim , HaMerkaz, Israel
jerusalem, Yerushalayim, Israel
taybe, HaMerkaz, Israel
Emek Yizrael, HaZafon, Israel
YARKA, HaZafon, Israel
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 5951
District Engineering Inspiration Award 6168
Rookie All Star Award 8175
District Event Winner 6049
District Event Winner 1690
District Event Winner 3339
District Event Winner 5654
District Event Finalist 4338
District Event Finalist 3388
District Event Finalist 8175
Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford 3075
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 3339
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 3316
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 1690
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 7039
Highest Rookie Seed 8175
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 5635
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 7067
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 3388
Judges' Award 5987
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 5614
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 5654
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 4320
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 1690 22 30 16 5 73
2 3339 21 30 16 5 72
3 8175 17 20 11 8 56
4 3388 13 20 11 5 49
5 7039 17 10 12 5 44
6 5951 10 10 10 10 40
7 7067 20 0 15 5 40
8 5614 13 10 12 5 40
9 4338 14 20 6 0 40
10 5987 19 0 14 5 38
11 7177 16 10 10 0 36
12 5635 18 0 13 5 36
13 6049 12 20 1 0 33
14 3075 12 0 15 5 32
15 2630 15 0 14 0 29
16 6104 14 10 5 0 29
17 4661 11 10 7 0 28
18 2231 15 0 13 0 28
19 5654 10 10 0 5 25
20 3065 16 0 9 0 25
21 6736 15 0 9 0 24
22 6168 11 0 3 8 22
23 4744 12 0 8 0 20
24 3316 8 0 2 5 15
25 1657 10 0 4 0 14
26 4320 7 0 0 5 12
27 3835 9 0 0 0 9
28 4416 9 0 0 0 9
29 2679 8 0 0 0 8
30 4319 6 0 0 0 6
31 8340 5 0 0 0 5
32 1954 4 0 0 0 4

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs - Top 15 (?)

Team OPR
1690 91.58
3339 64.16
7039 53.02
7067 52.02
3075 46.90
5987 44.06
8175 43.06
6736 43.02
2630 42.71
5635 42.59
6104 39.57
3065 39.04
4338 38.27
4661 37.51
2231 37.19


Bonus Objective Statistics

Match Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Exit Initiation Line 305 354 86.16%
Achieve Stage 1 86 118 72.88%
Achieve Stage 2 0 118 0.00%
Achieve Stage 3 0 118 0.00%
Endgame Parking 125 354 35.31%
Endgame Hanging 105 354 29.66%
Generator Level + Hang 35 118 29.66%
Shield Generator Operational RP Achieved * 19 118 16.10%
Shield Generator Energized RP Achieved * 0 118 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Generator Operational + Generator Energized)
0 118 0.00%
High Score 251 in Q40
Average Match Score 96.51
Average Winning Score 122.07
Average Win Margin 51.12
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Initiation Line Points 12.92 -- --
Average Cell Count (Bottom) 0.25 0.60 0.86
Average Cell Count (Outer) 3.00 7.08 10.08
Average Cell Count (Inner) 0.95 2.05 3.00
Average Cell Count 4.20 9.73 13.93
Average Cell Points 18.20 20.91 39.11
Average Control Panel Points -- 0.00 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 12.48
Average Score 31.13 52.90 96.51


Bonus Objective Statistics

Match Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Exit Initiation Line 81 84 96.43%
Achieve Stage 1 28 28 100.00%
Achieve Stage 2 3 28 10.71%
Achieve Stage 3 0 28 0.00%
Endgame Parking 14 84 16.67%
Endgame Hanging 49 84 58.33%
Generator Level + Hang 17 28 60.71%
Shield Generator Operational RP Achieved * 0 28 0.00%
Shield Generator Energized RP Achieved * 0 28 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Generator Operational + Generator Energized)
0 28 0.00%
High Score 314 in SF1-2
Average Match Score 150.93
Average Winning Score 181.07
Average Win Margin 60.29
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Initiation Line Points 14.46 -- --
Average Cell Count (Bottom) 0.11 0.11 0.21
Average Cell Count (Outer) 5.14 10.82 15.96
Average Cell Count (Inner) 2.00 3.32 5.32
Average Cell Count 7.25 14.25 21.50
Average Cell Points 32.79 31.71 64.50
Average Control Panel Points -- 1.07 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 15.54
Average Score 47.25 88.14 150.93
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