FIT District Del Rio Event 2020

FIRST In Texas District Event
to Week 2
Del Rio High School in Del Rio, TX, USA - details on
Data provided by the FIRST Events API

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5726 3029 8019 3679 5894 4219 10 102
7492 4332 6180 5047 6733 7088 67 15
4063 8414 7521 6315 2966 8369 24 14
6830 1164 5960 2848 4597 4378 21 44
7750 6315 6733 2158 2966 3679 8 93
4597 5726 4219 1164 7521 5047 20 23
8369 7492 5960 5894 8019 7088 20 15
3029 2158 2848 4378 8414 6830 102 41
4332 2966 7750 1164 6180 4063 13 55
8414 2848 3679 4219 7088 6315 123 40
4378 7521 3029 5047 7750 7492 64 77
6830 4332 4597 5960 6733 5894 6 46
5726 6180 2158 8369 8019 4063 61 36
5960 7521 7492 3029 4332 6830 30 17
4597 4378 8369 3679 6315 5726 30 163
5047 4063 4219 5894 7750 2158 78 73
8414 1164 7088 2848 6180 2966 44 89
7521 6733 5894 8019 4332 6315 46 54
4597 7088 7750 1164 8369 5726 5 58
6180 8019 8414 4063 3679 6830 47 100
5960 3029 2966 2158 4219 6733 29 82
2848 5047 6830 7492 4378 5894 64 85
7521 3679 7750 4063 5960 5726 67 63
7088 4219 7492 6180 6315 3029 64 35
4332 2158 8369 4378 8414 2966 74 38
6733 2848 1164 8019 5047 4597 91 10
6180 5894 8369 4219 7521 4332 30 41
6315 1164 4378 2966 5960 8019 85 29
7088 2848 3029 4063 7750 4597 161 31
8414 5047 5726 6733 7492 2158 50 121
6830 5894 6315 3679 6180 4597 67 73
7750 8019 1164 7492 5960 8414 60 43
6733 2966 5047 3029 8369 2848 17 119
2158 7088 4063 6830 5726 7521 108 47
4219 3679 8019 4332 4378 7750 124 30
6315 5960 8414 3029 5894 4063 31 62
4219 8369 2848 1164 7492 2158 90 119
6733 6830 6180 7088 5726 4378 20 74
5047 3679 4332 2966 4597 7521 64 49
3029 4219 1164 7750 6830 7088 81 14
7492 5726 2966 5894 2848 4332 71 53
6180 5047 6315 4597 2158 5960 56 90
8019 4063 4378 8369 8414 6733 92 10
3679 1164 5894 7521 3029 5047 79 22
2966 4063 4332 5960 4219 6180 93 102
6315 4597 7492 4378 6733 3679 129 60
2158 6830 8019 7088 8369 7521 101 40
5726 2848 6733 8414 7750 6180 104 10
7521 6315 2158 4332 7088 1164 71 65
8369 4378 5047 2848 4063 5960 15 89
8019 7492 3679 2966 6830 4219 76 40
5894 4597 8414 7750 3029 5726 111 44


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 7492 2848 8414
Alliance 2 2158 1164 7088
Alliance 3 3679 4063 7750
Alliance 4 4219 4378 4597
Alliance 5 6180 4332 5047
Alliance 6 5894 2966 8369
Alliance 7 5960 6315 6830
Alliance 8 5726 7521 8019

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2848 7492 8414 7521 5726 8019 101 85
2848 7492 8414 7521 5726 8019 99 85
4378 4219 4597 4332 6180 5047 91 55
4378 4219 4597 4332 6180 5047 38 57
4378 4219 4597 4332 6180 5047 58 65
1164 2158 7088 6315 5960 6830 124 69
1164 2158 7088 6315 5960 6830 109 72
4063 3679 7750 2966 5894 8369 88 77
4063 3679 7750 2966 5894 8369 112 39
2848 7492 8414 4332 6180 5047 115 53
2848 7492 8414 4332 6180 5047 95 68
1164 2158 7088 4063 3679 7750 136 62
1164 2158 7088 4063 3679 7750 136 110
2848 7492 8414 1164 2158 7088 114 81
2848 7492 8414 1164 2158 7088 84 97
2848 7492 8414 1164 2158 7088 63 146

Playoff Bracket



Rank Team Ranking Score Auto End Game Teleop Cell + CPanel Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 7492 2.16 194 490 89 11-1-0 0 12 26
2 2158 2.08 271 560 144 11-1-0 0 12 25
3 3679 2.00 355 410 254 11-1-0 0 12 24
4 1164 1.66 203 395 123 9-3-0 0 12 20
5 2848 1.66 197 490 202 9-3-0 0 12 20
6 4063 1.33 212 300 253 8-4-0 0 12 16
7 4219 1.25 166 410 138 7-4-0 1 12 15
8 6180 1.16 179 320 98 6-6-0 0 12 14
9 5894 1.16 155 460 91 6-6-0 0 12 14
10 5960 1.08 161 270 117 6-6-0 0 12 13
11 5726 1.00 250 215 126 6-6-0 0 12 12
12 8019 1.00 170 285 175 6-6-0 0 12 12
13 7521 1.00 159 200 99 6-6-0 0 12 12
14 6733 1.00 130 305 74 5-7-0 0 12 12
15 6315 0.91 242 325 63 5-7-0 0 12 11
16 4378 0.83 260 235 100 5-7-0 0 12 10
17 3029 0.83 177 315 92 5-7-0 0 12 10
18 4597 0.75 128 230 71 4-6-0 2 12 9
19 8369 0.66 143 250 54 4-6-0 2 12 8
20 7088 0.66 119 205 73 4-3-0 5 12 8
21 4332 0.66 116 265 105 4-7-0 1 12 8
22 5047 0.66 94 245 74 4-8-0 0 12 8
23 7750 0.58 101 180 77 3-8-0 1 12 7
24 2966 0.50 164 205 152 3-9-0 0 12 6
25 8414 0.41 169 245 59 2-9-0 1 12 5
26 6830 0.33 159 225 145 2-10-0 0 12 4

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA
Austin, Texas, USA
Dallas, Texas, USA
Pharr, Texas, USA
Pharr, Texas, USA
San Marcos, Texas, USA
Del Rio, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Edinburg, Texas, USA
El Paso, Texas, USA
Edinburg, Texas, USA
El Paso, Texas, USA
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Edinburg, Texas, USA
Mission, Texas, USA
Mission, Texas, USA
Laredo, Texas, USA
Pharr, Texas, USA
Pharr, Texas, USA
Somerset, Texas, USA
The Woodlands, Texas, USA
Laredo, Texas, USA
Alpine, Texas, USA
Mission, Texas, USA
Uvalde, Texas, USA
Mercedes, Texas, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 1164
District Engineering Inspiration Award 4063
Rookie All Star Award 8019
District Event Winner 7088
District Event Winner 1164
District Event Winner 2158
District Event Finalist 2848
District Event Finalist 7492
District Event Finalist 8414
Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford 3679
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 5726
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 5960
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 7492
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 6830
Highest Rookie Seed 8019
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 4378
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 2158
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2848
Judges' Award 5047
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 7521
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 8414
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 5894
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 2966
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 1164 18 30 15 10 73
2 2158 21 30 15 5 71
3 7492 22 20 16 5 63
4 2848 18 20 16 5 59
5 4063 17 10 14 8 49
6 3679 19 10 14 5 48
7 7088 9 30 2 0 41
8 6180 16 10 12 0 38
9 8414 6 20 1 5 32
10 5894 15 0 11 5 31
11 4332 9 10 12 0 31
12 5960 15 0 10 5 30
13 4378 12 0 13 5 30
14 8019 13 0 8 8 29
15 4219 16 0 13 0 29
16 5726 14 0 9 5 28
17 5047 8 10 5 5 28
18 7521 13 0 9 5 27
19 2966 7 0 11 5 23
20 6315 12 0 10 0 22
21 7750 7 10 3 0 20
22 6830 4 0 7 5 16
23 8369 10 0 6 0 16
24 4597 10 0 4 0 14
25 6733 12 0 0 0 12
26 3029 11 0 0 0 11

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs - Top 15 (?)

Team OPR
2848 60.14
3679 53.46
2158 52.17
7492 40.84
4063 34.49
6315 29.45
4219 28.59
1164 25.05
5726 24.10
5894 21.58
4378 20.03
3029 18.66
7088 14.66
6180 12.12
8414 12.06


Bonus Objective Statistics

Match Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Exit Initiation Line 195 312 62.50%
Achieve Stage 1 41 104 39.42%
Achieve Stage 2 0 104 0.00%
Achieve Stage 3 0 104 0.00%
Endgame Parking 136 312 43.59%
Endgame Hanging 66 312 21.15%
Generator Level + Hang 29 104 27.88%
Shield Generator Operational RP Achieved * 9 104 8.65%
Shield Generator Energized RP Achieved * 0 104 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Generator Operational + Generator Energized)
0 104 0.00%
High Score 163 in Q15
Average Match Score 59.03
Average Winning Score 82.29
Average Win Margin 46.52
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Initiation Line Points 9.38 -- --
Average Cell Count (Bottom) 0.22 2.13 2.36
Average Cell Count (Outer) 1.01 3.37 4.38
Average Cell Count (Inner) 0.23 0.36 0.59
Average Cell Count 1.46 5.86 7.32
Average Cell Points 5.87 9.93 15.80
Average Control Panel Points -- 0.00 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 7.27
Average Score 15.24 36.52 59.03


Bonus Objective Statistics

Match Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Exit Initiation Line 92 96 95.83%
Achieve Stage 1 19 32 59.38%
Achieve Stage 2 0 32 0.00%
Achieve Stage 3 0 32 0.00%
Endgame Parking 42 96 43.75%
Endgame Hanging 39 96 40.62%
Generator Level + Hang 13 32 40.62%
Shield Generator Operational RP Achieved * 0 32 0.00%
Shield Generator Energized RP Achieved * 0 32 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Generator Operational + Generator Energized)
0 32 0.00%
High Score 146 in F3
Average Match Score 87.00
Average Winning Score 105.31
Average Win Margin 36.62
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Initiation Line Points 14.38 -- --
Average Cell Count (Bottom) 1.25 2.78 4.03
Average Cell Count (Outer) 2.00 3.00 5.00
Average Cell Count (Inner) 0.25 0.47 0.72
Average Cell Count 3.50 6.25 9.75
Average Cell Points 12.00 10.19 22.19
Average Control Panel Points -- 0.00 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 7.31
Average Score 26.38 53.31 87.00
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