From Old Town, Maine, USA
aka RSU #34 School District / The Robotics Institute of Maine / SWE / UMaine IEEE Club / Bearing Specialty / Fairchild Semiconductor / Poirier's Garage Inc. / Dairy Queen (Old Town) / Woody Talcove / Formtek Maine & Old Town High School
Rookie Year: 2014
Last competed in 2018
Data provided by the FIRST Events API

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Event Results

Overall, Team 5122 had an average qual score of 100.33 and an average playoff score of 114.00 in 2015.

NE District - Pine Tree Event

to Week 3

No matches played.

NE District - UNH Event

to Week 4

Team 5122 had an average qual score of 100.33 and an average playoff score of 114.00

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5122 138 1729 2342 1058 501 49 106
5506 3467 1247 5122 885 4929 106 86
3323 3930 5122 126 4906 213 120 103
509 4473 5286 4564 5122 238 71 124
5122 509 5265 2648 4546 3451 109 87
5122 811 4555 5265 58 2342 110 132
131 3499 4929 4546 1831 5122 39 115
5422 151 319 5122 1512 58 66 104
4906 5471 5122 1729 4929 133 91 72
811 4929 4564 5122 5556 5286 109 111
811 4925 58 5122 1058 4473 122 93
3930 1831 5265 1307 5122 3467 146 92
5122 3930 5286 213 133 501 98 140
5122 3930 5286 319 811 509 113 79
213 133 501 5122 3930 5286 107 131
4564 58 126 5122 3930 5286 163 122
885 2342 1512 5122 3930 5286 106 106

Battle Of The Bay TESTING


No matches played.

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