From Watertown, Connecticut, USA
aka Siemon Company/United Technologies Corporation/Lockheed Martin - Sikorsky/Watertown Foundation/Thomaston Savings Bank Foundation/Trumpf/Click Bond, Inc&Watertown High School
Rookie Year: 1999
Last competed in 2020
Data provided by the FIRST Events API

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Robot Name: Pal V17

Event Results

Overall, Team 237 had an average qual score of 57.67 and an average playoff score of 68.12 in 2015.

NE District - Waterbury Event

to Week 1

Team 237 had an average qual score of 57.67 and an average playoff score of 68.12

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2170 3461 4557 5686 4055 237 82 55
3525 3314 4572 236 4628 237 28 57
237 230 228 5142 2170 5686 52 12
237 3634 155 230 1071 1991 47 34
237 5129 3780 195 2064 4055 60 70
2067 5129 4628 176 237 3654 15 32
1099 2064 237 5746 3314 1071 62 14
237 558 5746 155 1124 3718 68 46
1124 237 1991 4055 4572 3464 64 54
4572 3654 228 999 3314 237 11 68
176 999 1071 3464 237 4557 83 72
195 5686 4557 237 2836 3104 34 55
558 237 4557 1124 4055 5746 44 38
558 237 4557 3314 2067 1099 82 78
3314 2067 1099 558 237 4557 54 53
230 236 3464 558 237 4557 90 57
228 2064 155 558 237 4557 37 88
230 236 3464 558 237 4557 114 91
230 236 3464 558 237 4557 72 80
230 236 3464 558 237 4557 90 50

NE District - Rhode Island Event

to Week 4

No matches played.

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Robot Name: Pal V17

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